Saturday, December 15, 2007

Just vote NO!! to the Blogging High-anus

It is great that Jell has decided to take a little blogging hiatus, and is off chillaxing off the coast of some hot spot while she sips her foofoo drinks and works on her tan...


We.... her adoring fanbase, demand that she get back to work dammit! I mean c'mon, look at it!! I can't keep the ship afloat, we are dropping down the rankings fast as we plummet from #8 to #9, behind some kind of crap blog about guitar hero?? Wtf does that have to do with SecondLife?? C'mon... we've got to move it move it...

Here is the dealio, I don't do bloglines... as you know. I don't like to follow that many blogs. If I want to see an update I go hit refresh when I expect to see it. I start every morning and end every day with my dose of stew, and when I am not working, I actually check it a few times throughout the day. Yeah I know I write on it... I know I contribute, but dammit I am still our biggest fan!! I NEEDS IT!!

Please leave your comments explaining how you need your daily dose of Stew to wash down that coffee and dew fix? Kkthnx.

Mwah, welcome back babe.... :)


Cierra Theriac said...


Many, many times a day. All Jelly, all Stew all the time.

(Hawks, I like you too, but you just ain't Jelly :p)

Gillian Waldman said...

AGREE. This is not acceptable. Back to work!!! (because I miss you)

Chestnut Rau said...

a day without jelly is like a day without.....sunshine? or worse a day without giggles. unthinkable.

HawksRock said...

Cierra I was looking at adding her back to the stew, not at showing myself the door... that is a whole another discussion... :o

Cierra Theriac said...

Awww Hawks, I didn't mean I thought you would leave. I like your posts, (and your comments on posts, lol. You have done a pretty good job at making me laugh the last couple of days.).

*locks the door and hides the key, so you can't leave*

I just need my daily Jelly fix.

:: Kellyn :: said...

:O oh my wow! Even the one and only Kala needs her stew!! I tote need my stew! First of all Jelly makes the best stew evah!! Secondly, Hawks adds the perfect seasoning! I mean my bean has said it herself that hawks has absofabulutely made her stew *comeplete* <3 right?? ( maybe not those exact words but yeh you get the idea lol ) OH and also she is *my* bean! *enuff* said. ^.^ xoxo!

:: Kellyn :: said...

:O oh my wow! Even the one and only Kala needs her stew!! I tote need my stew! First of all Jelly makes the best stew evah!! Secondly, Hawks adds the perfect seasoning! I mean my bean has said it herself that hawks has absofabulutely made her stew *comeplete* <3 right?? ( maybe not those exact words but yeh you get the idea lol ) OH and also she is *my* bean! *enuff* said. ^.^ xoxo!