Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Closure of Caliente

Wuvme Karuna of Caliente City has decided she is done... for now. When I started SL over 3 years ago, her designs were a staple of my inventory. In every folder I own something starting with the initials "C.D" - Caliente Designs. I met Wuvme a couple times & consider her my friend. It's sad to see her go, but I understand. As she put it, "life is short, and i just don't want to spend most of the time in front of a pc you know." She was pushing the envelope back then & everyone knew who Wuvme was. She moved on to hair and at that point I was brunette. OH MY GAWD! *I* know! I begged her for new hair constantly. This was back in 2005, before flexi, and way before sculpties.

She recently announced the closure & goodbye Caliente along with a 100L sale of the entire store. I feel horrible that it has taken me so long to post this, her sim will close today at noon SLT.

JellyBean Madison: So are you closing your store indefinitely or just while you are on break?
Wuvme Karuna: just in my break, if I come back I'm sure it will all be new items on the new caliente, the old ones might be on a discount store or something

So go visit her CALIENTE EXPRESS before it's gone and show her some love. :)

Wuvme, hurry back to us... your craziness, quick wit, talent, and sexy smiling face will be missed

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