Friday, June 1, 2007

Postcard Issues Continue...

After Hawks & I realized that our postcards weren't getting thru to Snapzilla last night I decided to test sending them to my email. Hm... I received them there fine and within like 3 minutes. Next step was to IM Cristiano. He was unavailable last night so I checked in with him this morning thinking that just mayhapsibly our postcards were stuck behind a pic of a big av ass & sitting in a queue. Newp. Not there.

Confirmed with LL they are still having problems - even if you did receive some to your email, others are still having problems - there is nothing Cris or you can do about it except keep reporting it. Bleh, I'm tired of reporting, and reporting and reporting. It was fixed... tell that guy to stop touching things! Snapzilla is my picture diary of my slife. I need it back. :(

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