Tuesday, July 31, 2007

JH Word of the Day: fellatiousness

HawksRock Gunawan: u sure the word of the day isn't fellatiousness? I get those confused...
You: Damn it! looking it up
You: lol thats not a word!
HawksRock Gunawan: although I am not so sure that fellatiousness is a word... but I was trying to conjugate fellatio
You: lol
You: its a word now baby
HawksRock Gunawan: mayhapsibly it is a word like mayhapsibly?
You: mhm
HawksRock Gunawan: although a lot harder to type, so I prob won't be using it too often
You: I love our convos :)
HawksRock Gunawan: lol
HawksRock Gunawan: yes.... as do I... lmao