Saturday, August 4, 2007

Honeymoon Retreat - Smuggler's Paradise

Jelly and I looked far and wide, through many different classified listings looking for the ultimate Honeymoon getaway location. We found lodges, sky boxes, and other rental spots that ranged from sleazy (meaning looket we have a sex-gen bed you can rent by the hour) to things that were comparable to our beach house... where we couldn't really justify spending extra dough on something we already have. But after looking for a few days, we fell upon the PERFECT get away for us... which was the Smuggler's Paradise Island Retreat run by Annmarie Valentine of the Happily Ever After company. We found that for the price of 3500L's we could rent about 1/2 the sim for a period of 24 hours.

The build featured a custom pirate ship built by Relic's Baron Grayson and designed by CoolRay Popinjay. There is an office, captain's quarters, dining area, lots of prime spots for dancing and sitting, or hidden nooks and crannies where you can fulfill all of your pirate secks fantasies... *winks*. The renter can control access to add as many or as few people as you want to bring on your adventure with you.

There was also a castle featuring all the amenities you would expect to find in a fully functioning castle. The decor features a lot of Bondage and Dom/Sub type imagery as well as a few fun accessories. You did write down the creator's name on that one, right hun? kkthnx The castle also housed the media center where you can listen to over 250 radio stations, or watch any of the 200+ porn films on the big screen. One of the funniest things to happen on our getaway was that when we first arrived we thought we were just listening to a music station, except we kept hearing this moaning going on, and we were both trying to figure out if it went with the song... it took a bit for us to realize that a movie was playing at the same time as the music and all that moaning went along with something a lot more interesting than the music station.

Finally, when we weren't having fun with the ship or the castle, there were also beautifully landscaped grounds all around the sim with flowers, a gazebo, waterfall, cuddle rugs, animated logs around a campfire, and assorted other scenic areas to hang out and just be a couple. It was a great chance for Jelly and I to spend some real quality time together. We mostly enforced a no-contact rule with the outside world which everybody was really cool about respecting our time. Jelly lived without constant updates on blog lines for the 1/2 days we were able to spend together, which doesn't sound like much to a non-Jelly person, but that was actually a really big deal... lol. We learned a lot more about each other, and had a really great time! We are already talking about doing it again sometime soon.

If any of you are looking for some quality couple time, or else want to go reenact any of your pirate/castle storming role plays, then by all means check out the rental office where you can rent the Smuggler's Paradise place or else try out one of the other themed areas like The Geisha or The Roman. If you aren't up to shelling out 3,500 L's for a 24 hour period you can also rent them by the hour at the rate of 400 L's / hour. Annmarie Valentine was super hostess and went out of her way to make sure that we were set up correctly, so I am sure you can drop her an IM if you want any additional information.


Anonymous said...

sounds heavenly!! Glad to hear you two had a good time :)

♥ JellyBean Madison ♥ said...

Oi! Does this mean we're back to our regularly scheduled programming already? :'(

Ok, ok, ok now I forgot all the ideas I had for blog posts. Haha!

Baby it was perfectly wonderful! Mwah! <3

Gillian Waldman said...

Gawd, if I could just get Blue Hair to take me somewhere where I could wear a dress I would be happy xD So glad it was a good time *mwahh*