Sometimes it's hard to be a blogger. It may look easy. You may call yourself a journalist, a writer, a creative composer of verbage, a word smith, or like me... a person who just loves to spew. I do enjoy writing, I love it a lot actually. If I could find a way to get paid for the shit I say, I'd do it, in a heartbeat. Point is - I don't. I say what I say for many reasons. The Stew here is just my outlet, my online diary of my SLife, a place to post my machinima, a place to share with Hawks, and a lot of nonsense in between.
Mean Girls Guide to SL is also just as important to me, but where I cover SL newsworthy stuffage rather than spewage of my daily activities with some of the best writers in SL, in my honest opinion..
The KSU Diaries is a fun blog that let's me be IC (in character) and write my stories through my freshman at KSU's eyes.
This is just me rambling, honestly. It's late, I'm tired & I've had a highly emotional SL day. I guess what I am trying to say is I write because I love to, I don't do it because I have to, need to, or get paid to. Nothing brings me more of a rush than a good debate or hearing someone say "I know right" like they tote get me or can see where I am coming from. Every one has an opinion, I just throw mine out there for yay or nay.
*huggles her pink girlie and gives her her very own bag of pink M&Ms* luvs ya. :o)
my day ain't complete or real without Stew .. huggles my Sunshine :D <3
I don't know what I would do without my daily Jelly fix... I'm addicted. Is there a support group?
There is nothing wrong with this post and if the ONE person that is butthurt over it cant see that. Maybe they shouldnt read your blog.
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