Sunday, January 6, 2008

But who will protect the dolphins?

Yes, I know they're cute. Yes, they always look happy - they were built that way. Yes, they look KISSABLE! But... lickable?!!!

There is a secret society of dolphin lickers out there that'll have you believe it's okay to lick. As a dolphin activist, I say nay. Nay to dolphin lickage. I honestly do not believe dolphins like it. Yes, they may look happy but I bet after being licked, they wish they could shower. Shower & wash away the pain, embarassment & dirty feelings. *Sigh* Please think of the dolphins. thanks


Myg (Mercy Brown) said...

But I wanna know what the dolphins taste like. Just for curiosity's sake...

HawksRock said...

Yay!! Myg, and isn't it just adorable their lil bottlenoses and the way they pop up and chatter in your ear... kinda makes you wanna see what tuna tastes like before they put it in the can.

Gillian Waldman said...


Unknown said...

you sick people what are you nuts go kiss a cow ass if you soo mutch like animals.
shame of yoou!!!

FUN TIME said...

:x :x :x :x :x eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww