Friday, August 31, 2007


If I haven't mentioned it like 245454545886368 times... I MISS HAWKS! This week has tote sucked. Release-wise it's been aight, but I'm going through Hawk holding withdrawals. :'( *tear* Only one thing to mention at the moment. I need to do a separate post for "couture". *throws up a lil in her mouth*

SLart at the Cannery
The Cannery: Rezzable presents SLart Show, Art Galleries, toXic boutique, Clubbing, and live djs. If you've got about an hour to spare, try wandering through the huge SLart exhibit down at the Cannery. Aka & I checked it out last night & most of it was just awesome. You can check out some of Vint's post about this exhibit.
SLart at the Cannery opening - Woot!

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