Sunday, June 3, 2007

Dynamic Duo - Heroes Inspired Clothing

What happens when the cutest couple in the world combines an idea with their amazing talent? You get a Dynamic Duo & great stuffies to wear...

I already posted about the Sylar Boogeyman jacket from Krius Misfit of Sinistyle earlier, but today brings a new treat. "Peter 5 Years Gone" outfit also inspired by Heroes and the future bad ass Peter. I have goose chillies knowing that someone, well two someones, SL's cutest couple... Krius & Trinitee that have talent are as much into Heroes as I am. All the clothing in Heroes is bad ass, it's great to see it coming into SL for me to lick & wear.

As if Krius' jacket(s) didn't excite me enough, Trin of Refuge in all her uber greatness released a "Claire" outfit. *creams* Seriously so excited I could squirt. Now my dilemma is which do I wear? Never Fear, I have alts & a fiancé. Can I get a wuwu!?! :p He can mayhapsibly wear one, I'll wear the other. Yay!

I hope to see more great Heroes inspired outfits hitting their ever so convenient *NEW* walls soon. Way to Go guys! I wub yew completely!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww jelly *blushes* I've read this post over and over and each time i said this... "awwwwwww". hehe You're so sweet and Im sooo happy you liked Claire. She was gettin kinda bitchy while i was makin her but i slapped her around and showed her who is boss. :P oh and hint hint.. another is coming out soon as i finish it. teehee mums the word.